Yes, yes, it's time for that yearly thing again.
Yearly Review.
There are hundreds of cool ways to do it. What's your favourite?
In case you don't have a favourite, or you're looking to play with a new practice and expand your horizons, I invite you to have a look at this mini-course compiling my favourite lenses to look at the past year.
You can get it for €9, just use the code YEARRRR 🤍.
On a different note, I haven't been publishing much on JournalSmarter, although I still keep journaling extensively - including my daily Infinity Squares, which kinda evolved to another level. This could use another article / course / book, so I'll leave it for another time though. In the meantime if you're curious what I've been up to, you can always check my digital journaling in a form of a Moonly Review 🌑.
Sending good vibes your way along with wishes of a delightfuly fantasic year ahead ✨
ps. There's a quite some energy in me rising towards another run of a Year-of-Practice like adventure, although much shorter. No details yet, just a possibility. If you're interested, reply to this email and let me know ⛵️.