Hello Wonderful Human.
Welcome to JournalSmarter 3.0. Yes, that's right, things shifted quite a bit.
First of all, let me share a game-changer insight:
Journaling is an infinite game.
Moreover, it is one that's definitely worth playing.
So, from now on, every now and then, I'll send you a journaling game I've been playing around with on the pages of my journal.
Sometimes, I'll also invite you to play together.
For example, next Thursday, 13 January 2022, I'll host a workshop where we'll play with 3 graphs designed to help you set a new course for your life. I'm a sailor, and I love graphs. I'm pretty sure that this session is an outcome of that crossover.
The details are here.
Speaking of new directions, I feel like I could share a little bit more about where JournalSmarter is heading, since you're aboard ⛵️.
I've concluded 2021 with an insight that I want to shift my professional direction. It was not an easy choice, but it feels like the right one to do. New courses require making space, and that inevitably means letting go of something. Not to keep the suspense any further, I'll be dedicating less time to JournalSmarter in 2022, in order to focus on my calling:
Co-creating regenerative communities and projects.
I'll certainly keep on journaling (I haven't skipped a day for many years) and I'll be delighted to document my experiments and share them with you.
In the next few weeks, I'm setting myself to re-publish older courses, such as Minimalist Journaling System and Procrastination Free, as well as add a few more journaling games that have been in the making for quite some time but were never published. If you enrolled in our past courses, you won't be able to access them during this transition. You'll get access to the archive and the updated version for free as soon as it's ready.
After that, I'll give myself much more space to focus on catalysing my wonderful Pico Island Family (we're now in the process of building our first community space), supporting the emergence of Azores Regenerative Network, as well as helping other regenerative communities (whether land-based or digital) grow and thrive. I hope this work can be funded mostly through Patreon, as I align with open-sourcing my documentation to make it available to anyone who wants to use it to grow their own projects.
Ripples. Ripples. Ripples.
Btw, if you want to follow my work in that field, my personal website is a good place to start exploring. And if you want more context on how I decided to make this shift, here's my 2021 yearly review
A few practicalities:
JournalSmarter emails are now flying to you via Substack (apart from email-based-courses, such as Infinity Squares). If you don't vibe with where I'm taking JournalSmarter, it's probably a good moment to unsubscribe. I wish you well in either case 💜.
If you're interested in my community building path, my personal newsletter is an easy way to hear from me every New and Full Moon.
You'll notice that our website changed. There are still some bugs and I'll be fixing them in the coming weeks. Thanks for being patient. There are three reasons for the change: a) it costs $1000 less per year to run it b) it's sooooo much faster c) I can edit and publish directly from Obsidian. It's a no brainer really 🧠.
In 2021 Silvia and I sent you an email almost every Sunday. This year, I won't commit to a schedule for JournalSmarter. Expect the unexpected.
Silvia is focusing on making drawings. JournalSmarter is now piloted by me, solo.
You're amazing. Thank you for being here.
With Love and Play,
ps. It's apparently a good practice to use the .ps as a reminder, so here it is: a reminder that if you'd like to join the life-course-setting workshop, this link will take you to the page with all details.